Thursday 19 August 2010


It's not easy just to take things as they come.  There is a lot of stress in our daily lives.  It is difficult to live our days with a feeling of gratitude in all of our experiences.  We often realize well after having a negative experience that every cloud really does have a silver lining.  If we could only see it at the time.

That silver lining is most often obscured by our emotions in the moment.  Negative experience usually brings our afflictive emotions to the fore.  Those are the emotions that cause us the most misery and discomfort.   Traveling for days on end over the road our minds are often a simmering stew of emotions.  A state most often brought on by stresses we encounter everyday.  Those stresses arise usually as a result of the unpredictable, changeable, and inconsistent nature of a driver's daily life.

We can choose not to react to afflictive emotions such as anger, hatred, desire and jealousy.  Anger is usually our first reaction to negative events we experience on the road.  In the heat of the moment it can be difficult to remember that you can be angry but not react out of anger.

"Acceptance" is not about being indifferent to or ignoring negative events as they arise. It's about recognizing them while not letting them dictate how you react in any given situation.

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