Monday 12 September 2016

No, No, No

Who knew?
Drivers can eliminate paperwork and run by the book, while fleets save time and money through automation. ELDs can put drivers and dispatchers on the same page when it comes to planning. For instance, they can both see why it makes sense to send the driver to the shipper the night before so his waiting time can be done off-duty.

Above is a paragraph taken from a column written by a member of the trucking industry but a non-driver. I have provided the link below to the full article.

Sending a driver to the shipper the night before making a delivery in order to log the waiting time off duty goes to show the complete lack of understanding of a drivers responsibilities and challenges that they face in this profession.

This is a typical response of Industry insiders that do not work within the confines of a truck cab.

I think I will just leave it at that and allow any discussion on this to go where it may.