Wednesday 11 September 2019

Done Like Dinner

This past few months every trip has been a huge mental challenge. It's about fatigue. Burnout. Maybe just aging and the fact I run on too little sleep that doesn't come to me at the same time every day.
My granddaughter has this huge soft spot for me. Every time she sees me she just hugs me for several minutes. It's a deep, unconditional love she exudes, and it sticks to me, a constant reminder that the days I'm away from my family I can never get back.
Fatigue and a deep constant longing for those you love. What a volatile combination.
When I contrast those feelings against the work that's causing the fatigue and seperation I find I still love what I do almost as much.
Poor me. Life is pretty fucking difficult at times isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. You have a great advantage over many others in that you know about fatigue, distracted driving because of stress or anxiety and the like.
    How many drivers are pushed by dispatchers to keep going even when they know they can't be effective on the road. Something to look into.
