Sunday 30 January 2011

Grumpy & Belligerent

One of the things that truly sucks about being a truck driver is that you can't phone in sick when you always wake up at work.  That's an issue when your in need of a sick day.  I'm not sick.  I'm just feeling that tomorrow would be a good day not to work, because I don't want to.  Waa, waa, waa.....poor me.

It must be that whole winter blues thing rearing it's ugly head that has me feeling more than just a little po'd tonight.  It was actually a pretty good day, until the temperature dipped below minus 20 again, it got dark early, I started feeling really tired and, well, so it goes I guess.

The whole month of January has been that way.  Am I a little bitchy?  You bet.  Even when I've been at home I've felt so worn down that I have done little more than sit on my ass and think about what I have to do.  Just thinking about stuff tired me out.  Oh god I'm getting grumpy and belligerent in my old age.  Time to go to bed & sleep it off - I hope.